V prechádzajúcich dvoch článkoch sme si predstavili bezpečnostné hrozby a podvody, ktoré na vás čakajú na internete. V dnešnom článku si predstavíme opatrenia, ktorými takéto hrozby minimalizujete, situácie, v ktorých sú vaše citlivé dáta v najväčšom nebezpečenstve, a tiež to ako po sebe na internete zanechávať čo najmenej stôp.
Opatrení, ako čo najlepšie zamedziť úniku vašich “citlivých” osobných údajov, je niekoľko. Prvým je kvalitne vytvorené heslo. Odborníci na kyberbezpečnosť sa zhodujú, že kvalitné heslo by malo mať aspoň 12 znakov. Tvorené by malo byť z kombinácie malých a veľkých písmen, čísel, poprípade ak je to možné tak zo špecifických znakov (bodka, pomlčka, hastag…). Tiež sa odporúča nepoužívať slovníkové slová a ani ich kombináciu, lepšie je preto použiť náhodné zoskupenie znakov než celé slová ako napríklad pes. Posledným odporúčaním pri tvorbe hesla je nespoliehať sa na zjavné substitúcie. To znamená, že nie je vhodné vziať slovníkové slovo dom a písmeno “o” nahradiť číslicou “0”. Hoci sa to môže javiť ako dômyselnejšie heslo, stále nie je dostatočne odolné. Heslo, ktoré spĺňa nasledovné kritériá môže byť napríklad 3o(t&gSp&3hZ4#t9 . Hoci sa takéto heslo môže na prvý pohľad javiť takmer ako nemožné na používanie, opak je pravdou. Väčšina operačných systémov ponúka službu knižnica hesiel, v ktorej si viete uložiť špecifické heslo pre každú službu.
Ďalším, v dnešnej dobe už značne rozšíreným opatrením, je Dvojfaktorové overenie (Dvojfázové overenie). Ide o overenie nie len cez heslo, ale aj cez ďalší krok – ďalší bezpečnostný krok. Môže to byť kód z SMS správy, určitá bezpečnostná otázka, poprípade overenie cez externú aplikáciu. Takouto aplikáciou je napríklad Microsoft Authenticator (Microsoft Autentifikátor). Jeho použitie je veľmi často naviazané napríklad na tenanty vytvorené cez Microsoft Azure.
Pozor si tiež treba dávať kde sa ku svojim účtom prihlasujete. Pokiaľ sa chcete prihlasovať k aplikáciám internet bankingu (internetového bankovníctva) alebo ku službám slúžiacim ako komunikácia zo štátom, je potrebné byť obozretný, aby ste boli pripojený na internetovú sieť, ktorá je zabezpečená. Pokiaľ by zabezpečená nebola vystavujete sa riziku možného úniku vašich hesiel alebo dát. Preto jedno veľmi zásadné pravidlo je do takýchto aplikácií alebo na takéto weby sa neprihlasovať na verejných sieťach. Ako sme si už v predchádzajúcich článkoch načrtli, obozretnosť tiež pri prihlasovaní treba mať na doméne stránky, keďže obľúbeným podvodom sú stránky, ktoré sú takmer totožné k originálu, ale v doméne sa mierne líšia.
Pozor treba tiež dávať pri odkazov, obzvlášť ak pochádzajú z neznámych zdrojov. Môže totiž ísť o podvodnú stránku, ktorá prenáša nejaký skrytý Malware. V prípade, že by šlo o stránku zameranú na žurnalistiku, o ktorej ste nikdy predtým nepočuli, je dôležité si informácie overovať, keďže môže ísť o stránku šíriacu dezinformácie a konšpirácie. Ďalším so spôsobov ako sa na internete kryť pred Nebezpečenstvami a nástrahami internetu je služba VPN – Virtual Private Network (virtuálna privátna sieť). VPN vám umožňuje vytvoriť bezpečné a šifrované spojenie medzi vaším zariadením a internetom. To znamená, že všetky údaje, ktoré odosielate a prijímate cez túto sieť, sú chránené pred neoprávneným prístupom a špionážou. VPN funguje tak, že prenáša vaše internetové údaje cez server VPN, ktorý vám poskytne novú IP adresu, čím skryje vašu skutočnú polohu a identitu. Dnes existuje už množstvo VPN služieb, preto je potrebné si vybrať naozaj kvalitnú. Jednou z takých je napríklad Microsoft Edge VPN.
V závere by som dal len jednu všeobecne platnú radu, ktorá platí nie len pre fungovanie na internete, ale aj v živote. Vo všetkých situáciách je potrebné kriticky premýšľať a uvažovať nad dopadmi svojho konania. Dúfam, že vám táto séria článkov pomohla, ozrejmila a rozšírila vaše obzory o nové poznatky. Teším sa na vás pri ďalších článkoch 🙂 .
zdroje : Ako vytvoriť silné heslo (a zapamätať si ho) (howtogeek.com) , Čo je to VPN a ako funguje? Aké sú jeho výhody a nevýhody? | ESET
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Businessiraq.com sets a new standard in business networking by introducing a groundbreaking mobile-first approach to its Iraq business directory. The platform’s innovative app brings the power of instant business connections to your fingertips, featuring real-time chat, video conferencing, and digital business card exchange capabilities. Live streaming of business news in Iraq keeps users informed on the go, while push notifications for Iraq jobs and tender opportunities ensure no opportunity is missed. The platform’s enhanced online business listings now include augmented reality features, allowing users to virtually explore company facilities and products, making Businessiraq.com the most technologically advanced business resource in Iraq.
Businessiraq.com: Your Comprehensive Resource for Iraqi Business, Jobs, and Tenders. Connect with the Iraqi business landscape through Businessiraq.com, your premier online platform for finding Iraqi companies, staying informed about market trends, and discovering job and tender opportunities. We provide a meticulously curated directory of Iraqi businesses, offering valuable insights, contact details, and financial profiles. Stay ahead of the curve with our up-to-date Iraq business news, covering everything from economic forecasts to regulatory changes, ensuring you’re well-equipped to navigate the Iraqi market. Our dedicated job and tender directory simplifies your search for employment and contract opportunities in Iraq. Whether you’re a business seeking partners, a job seeker in Iraq, or a contractor looking for projects, Businessiraq.com provides the essential connections and information you need to thrive in the Iraqi marketplace. Find Iraqi businesses, jobs, and tenders – all in one place.
Businessiraq.com revolutionizes cross-border trade through its enhanced Iraq business directory, featuring multilingual support and cultural business insights. The platform now offers real-time translation services for business communications, while its business news in Iraq section provides context-rich reporting that helps international companies understand local market dynamics. The Iraq jobs section includes cross-cultural training resources, and the tender directory features international standards compliance guidance. With advanced online business listings that bridge cultural and linguistic gaps, Businessiraq.com facilitates seamless international business collaboration, making it easier than ever for global companies to establish successful operations in Iraq.
Stay ahead of the curve in the Iraqi marketplace with Businessiraq.com. This invaluable online resource is your complete guide to the Iraqi business sector. Detailed online business listings allow for targeted networking and efficient market research. Access cutting-edge business news in Iraq, explore exciting Iraq job opportunities, and secure procurement contracts through the comprehensive tender directory. Businessiraq.com empowers businesses to thrive in the dynamic Iraqi environment.
Businessiraq.com is more than just a directory; it’s a platform that connects talent with opportunity through its robust Job and Tender Directory. Businesses can efficiently advertise job openings while job seekers can easily find positions suited to their skills and career aspirations in Iraq. By incorporating localized SEO strategies that highlight employment opportunities in Iraq and tender submissions, the site maximizes its reach among both employers and potential employees. This not only benefits individual careers but also contributes to the overall growth of the Iraqi economy by filling essential roles across various sectors.
Unlock the full potential of Iraq’s business landscape with Businessiraq.com, your trusted partner for comprehensive market information and networking opportunities. The platform’s extensive Iraq business directory provides detailed insights into thousands of companies, making it easier than ever to find the right business partners. Stay ahead of the curve with current business news in Iraq, delivered through expert analysis and timely updates. From browsing Iraq jobs to exploring tender opportunities, the platform offers everything needed for success in Iraq’s market. The sophisticated online business listings feature enables efficient networking, while the user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for all users, making Businessiraq.com the go-to resource for businesses operating in Iraq
Businessiraq.com stands as the premier digital gateway to Iraq’s dynamic business landscape, offering an extensive Iraq business directory that connects local enterprises with international partners. As a comprehensive online platform, it provides invaluable resources for companies seeking to explore opportunities in Iraq’s growing market. The website features regularly updated business news in Iraq, keeping stakeholders informed about market trends, economic developments, and regulatory changes. Job seekers can access a diverse range of Iraq jobs across various sectors, while businesses can leverage the platform’s tender directory to discover lucrative procurement opportunities. The user-friendly interface makes navigating through thousands of online business listings effortless, enabling companies to establish meaningful connections and expand their network. Whether you’re a local entrepreneur or an international investor, Businessiraq.com serves as your trusted partner in accessing vital business information, market insights, and networking opportunities in Iraq’s evolving economy.
Experience the future of sustainable business networking through Businessiraq.com’s eco-conscious approach to its Iraq business directory. The platform now highlights green businesses and sustainable practices, featuring a special Green Business certification in its online business listings. The dedicated section for environmental business news in Iraq keeps stakeholders informed about sustainable development opportunities, while the Iraq jobs section promotes positions in renewable energy and environmental conservation. The tender directory specifically tags eco-friendly projects, encouraging sustainable procurement practices. Through these initiatives, Businessiraq.com is not just connecting businesses but promoting responsible corporate citizenship in Iraq’s evolving economy.
Businessiraq.com, your gateway to unlocking the economic potential of Iraq, will become a cornerstone of the nation’s business community. We’re building a comprehensive platform, not just a directory, but a dynamic ecosystem connecting businesses, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. Our robust Iraq business directory will showcase a diverse range of Iraqi companies, meticulously vetted and profiled to instill trust and confidence in potential partners. Beyond company listings, we’ll provide a wealth of invaluable information: insightful Iraq business news, analyzing market trends, regulatory changes, and upcoming opportunities, thereby positioning our users for success. Detailed company profiles will extend beyond basic contact information, offering in-depth financial data and organizational structures, fostering informed decision-making. Our multilingual approach—offering both English and Arabic interfaces—prioritizes inclusivity and ensures our platform is a valuable resource for the entire Iraqi business community. This comprehensive approach will not only connect businesses but also help develop a strong sense of community and support within the Iraqi market. We’ll actively curate valuable networking opportunities, facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide ongoing support to foster robust, long-lasting business relationships. At Businessiraq.com, we are committed to empowering businesses throughout Iraq, supporting growth, and driving innovation within the nation’s dynamic economy.
Even with this lower viscosity, the examine authors calculated that the maximum flow charge of medieval glass is 1 nm per billion years, making it not possible to observe in a human timescale.
Imagine being able to traverse the dynamic Iraqi business landscape with ease, armed with the most comprehensive and up-to-date Iraq business directory at your fingertips. Welcome to Businessiraq.com, where meticulously curated online business listings connect local and international businesses seamlessly, opening avenues for collaboration and expansion. Delving into this robust platform unveils a wealth of opportunities, from the latest business news in Iraq that keeps you attuned to market trends and policy changes, to a treasure trove of Iraq jobs, offering uniquely tailored career prospects in the region. For entreprises eyeing strategic market entry or expansion, Businessiraq.com serves as an invaluable compass, with its tender opportunities directory making early access to lucrative bids a reality. Experience the power of connection and insight with Businessiraq.com, your gateway to the multifaceted world of Iraqi business
For businesses looking to explore procurement opportunities in Iraq, Businessiraq.com’s tender directory is an invaluable resource. The website provides a regularly updated list of tender notices and contract awards, covering various sectors, including construction, oil and gas, and more. With its advanced search functionality, users can quickly find tender opportunities that match their business interests and capabilities. By providing access to tender information, Businessiraq.com facilitates the procurement process, helping businesses to identify new opportunities, prepare bids, and win contracts in Iraq.
Networking and Collaborative Growth One of the key strengths of Businessiraq.com lies in its ability to facilitate networking among businesses operating in Iraq. The platform not only serves as a directory but also encourages collaborations and partnerships that drive economic growth. By optimizing content related to networking events, industry forums, and trade fairs, Businessiraq.com improves its SEO ranking and attracts a diverse audience interested in expanding their business reach. Users can benefit from connecting with like-minded professionals and exploring new ventures, making Businessiraq.com a vital hub for fostering business relationships within the Iraqi market.
The tender directory is yet another critical element of Businessiraq.com, highlighting procurement opportunities for businesses looking to bid on government and private sector projects. This feature not only streamlines the tender process but also enhances transparency and accessibility for potential bidders. By listing current tender opportunities, the platform ensures that businesses can quickly identify and pursue projects that align with their capabilities, thus fostering a competitive environment that drives innovation and efficiency.
James Alexander Gordon Nicoll.
From market research to procurement opportunities, Businessiraq.com is your essential tool for success in the Iraqi market. This comprehensive Iraq business directory features detailed online business listings alongside critical business news in Iraq. Whether you’re seeking Iraq jobs, exploring tender opportunities, or fostering strategic partnerships, this platform is your key to unlocking market entry and growth. Discover how Businessiraq.com fosters profitable connections and facilitates the expansion of your company into the Iraqi marketplace.
The tender directory is yet another critical element of Businessiraq.com, highlighting procurement opportunities for businesses looking to bid on government and private sector projects. This feature not only streamlines the tender process but also enhances transparency and accessibility for potential bidders. By listing current tender opportunities, the platform ensures that businesses can quickly identify and pursue projects that align with their capabilities, thus fostering a competitive environment that drives innovation and efficiency.
Staying up-to-date with the latest Iraq business news is crucial for businesses operating in the country. Businessiraq.com provides a one-stop-shop for news, analysis, and insights on the Iraqi market, covering various sectors, including energy, finance, construction, and more. The website’s news section is regularly updated with articles, reports, and press releases, ensuring that users have access to the most recent and relevant information. By providing a reliable source of business news, Businessiraq.com helps businesses make informed decisions, identify new opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.
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One of the standout features of Businessiraq.com is its extensive database of online business listings. Users can quickly search for businesses across various sectors, whether they are looking for suppliers, contractors, or service providers. These detailed listings offer critical information such as contact details, business profiles, and operational scopes, making it easier for companies to forge the connections necessary for successful ventures. This robust Iraq business directory is designed to facilitate networking, ensuring that both local and international businesses can identify partners and clients efficiently.
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As the premier online business directory in Iraq, Businessiraq.com is the ideal platform for businesses to showcase their products and services, increase their online visibility, and reach a wider audience. With its comprehensive business listings, companies can promote their brand, share their contact information, and connect with potential customers, partners, and suppliers. The website’s user-friendly interface and advanced search functionality make it easy for users to find specific businesses, products, or services, making it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to do business in Iraq.
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Businessiraq.com’s commitment to facilitating market entry cannot be overstated. For international businesses looking to enter the Iraqi market, the platform serves as a comprehensive starting point. It offers invaluable resources, connections, and insights that demystify the complexities of operating in Iraq. With a user-friendly interface and a wealth of information readily available, Businessiraq.com bridges the gap between local knowledge and international business acumen, making the entry process more seamless and efficient.
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From finding the right Iraq jobs to securing valuable contracts, Businessiraq.com simplifies access to the Iraqi business sector. This premier Iraq business directory features detailed online business listings, updated Iraq business news, and a dedicated tender directory to uncover procurement opportunities. This platform is integral for international businesses seeking entry into the Iraqi market and for local companies looking to expand their networks.
businessiraq.com: Your Ultimate Iraqi Business Gateway. Embark on a journey of discovery and opportunity with our meticulously crafted Iraq business directory, home to comprehensive online business listings that paint a vivid picture of the nation’s diverse economic tapestry. Stay informed and make strategic decisions with our up-to-date Iraq business news, while our Iraq jobs portal connects you with exciting career prospects. And for businesses ready to make their mark, our tender opportunities directory presents a world of procurement possibilities. Connect, explore, and succeed in Iraq with Businessiraq.com.
Job Opportunities and Tender Listings Businessiraq.com goes beyond just a business directory by offering a specialized Job and Tender Directory that connects local talent with potential employers. This platform allows businesses to post job vacancies and tender opportunities while helping job seekers discover career prospects tailored to their skills. By incorporating keywords related to job openings and tenders in Iraq, Businessiraq.com enhances its visibility in search engine results, making it easier for users to find valuable employment opportunities. Whether you’re looking for your next job or seeking to fill crucial positions in your company, Businessiraq.com provides a comprehensive solution.
Networking and Collaborative Growth One of the key strengths of Businessiraq.com lies in its ability to facilitate networking among businesses operating in Iraq. The platform not only serves as a directory but also encourages collaborations and partnerships that drive economic growth. By optimizing content related to networking events, industry forums, and trade fairs, Businessiraq.com improves its SEO ranking and attracts a diverse audience interested in expanding their business reach. Users can benefit from connecting with like-minded professionals and exploring new ventures, making Businessiraq.com a vital hub for fostering business relationships within the Iraqi market.
Businessiraq.com is not just a business directory; it’s also a valuable resource for job seekers and employers in Iraq. The website’s job section features a wide range of Iraq jobs, including career opportunities in various industries, from entry-level positions to senior management roles. With its easy-to-use job search functionality, users can quickly find and apply for jobs that match their skills and experience. Employers can also advertise their job openings on the website, reaching a targeted audience of qualified candidates. By connecting job seekers with employers, Businessiraq.com plays a vital role in supporting the growth and development of Iraq’s workforce.
Businessiraq.com is the go-to online resource for the Iraq Business Directory, providing a comprehensive platform for local and international businesses to connect, network, and explore opportunities in Iraq. As the leading online business directory in the country, Businessiraq.com offers a vast database of up-to-date business listings, featuring companies from various industries, including construction, oil and gas, finance, and more. In addition to its extensive directory, the website also provides the latest Iraq business news, keeping users informed about market trends, new developments, and regulatory changes. Job seekers can also find the latest Iraq jobs, including career opportunities in various sectors, while businesses can advertise their job openings to reach a wider audience. Furthermore, the website’s tender directory offers a valuable resource for companies looking to explore procurement opportunities in Iraq, with a regularly updated list of tender notices and contract awards. By providing a single platform for businesses to access a wealth of information, news, and opportunities, Businessiraq.com facilitates market entry and networking in Iraq, making it an essential tool for any business looking to succeed in the country. Whether you’re a local business looking to expand your reach or an international company seeking to enter the Iraqi market, Businessiraq.com is the ultimate online resource for you.
Businessiraq.com is your comprehensive online resource for navigating the Iraqi business landscape. This dedicated platform combines a robust Iraq Business Directory with insightful Iraq Business News, creating a one-stop shop for businesses seeking opportunities in the Iraqi market. Our meticulously curated directory features detailed profiles of Iraqi companies, going beyond basic contact information to provide valuable insights into their capabilities, specializations, and financial standing. This detailed information empowers potential partners and investors with the knowledge needed for informed decisions. Moreover, our up-to-date Iraq Business News section keeps you informed about the latest economic trends, regulatory changes, and emerging market opportunities, enabling you to anticipate challenges and capitalize on emerging possibilities. Businessiraq.com isn’t just a directory; it’s a dynamic hub connecting businesses across the Iraqi market, promoting growth and facilitating meaningful connections.
Insightful Business News and Market Trends Staying informed is critical in today’s fast-paced business environment, and Businessiraq.com excels at delivering timely and relevant Iraq Business News. The site’s dedicated news section covers critical developments in the Iraqi economy, including regulatory changes, industry-specific updates, and market analysis. By consistently posting high-quality, engaging articles rich in targeted keywords, Businessiraq.com enhances its SEO visibility and allows users to stay ahead of market trends. This resource is invaluable for business leaders and investors who need accurate information to make informed decisions in a complex economic landscape.
Stay Updated with Iraq Business News In the ever-evolving economic landscape of Iraq, staying informed is crucial for business success. Businessiraq.com provides a dedicated section for Iraq Business News, offering the latest updates on market trends, government regulations, and industry developments. This valuable content not only informs readers but also boosts SEO by regularly updating the site with fresh, relevant information. Entrepreneurs and investors can rely on Businessiraq.com to gain insights into the heart of the Iraqi economy, making it an essential resource for anyone looking to navigate this dynamic market effectively.
Unlock the full potential of Iraq’s business landscape with Businessiraq.com, your trusted partner for comprehensive market information and networking opportunities. The platform’s extensive Iraq business directory provides detailed insights into thousands of companies, making it easier than ever to find the right business partners. Stay ahead of the curve with current business news in Iraq, delivered through expert analysis and timely updates. From browsing Iraq jobs to exploring tender opportunities, the platform offers everything needed for success in Iraq’s market. The sophisticated online business listings feature enables efficient networking, while the user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for all users, making Businessiraq.com the go-to resource for businesses operating in Iraq