#2 Bezpečnosť na internete: Triky podvodníkov – Phishing a Spoofing

V minulom článku sme si predstavili internetovú hrozbu Malware a jej možné formy. Ako sa posúvala doba tvorili internetoví podvodníci nové a odolnejšie spôsoby ako svoju činnosť vykonávať.  Základom väčšiny kyberzločinov sa stala manipulácia a strach. V tomto článku si predstavíme typy takýchto zločinov, spôsoby ako ich rozoznať a ako sa pred nimi brániť.


Prvou hrozbou takéhoto typu je Phishing (z anglického slova fishing – rybolov). Phishing je technikou ktorou podvodníci vylákajú od svojich obetí citlivé a osobné údaje. Pojem phishing prvý krát použili Jerry Felix a Chris Hauck vo svojej štúdii a opísali ho ako techniku, v ktorej sa útočník vydáva za hodnovernú inštitúciu alebo službu. Ako príklad phishingu môže poslúžiť veľmi známi mail oznamujúci, že sme zdedili majetok nášho prastrýka z 3. kolena a na to, aby sme ho získali, nám stačí zadať číslo našej bankomatovej karty aj s CW kódom. Tento príklad však mal slúžiť len na odľahčenie, pretože podvodníci si v dnešnej dobe dávajú veľmi záležať, aby ich podvody boli čo najviac vierohodné. V minulosti obľúbeným podvodom boli falošné domény, ktoré boli takmer totožné s tými pravými, väčšinu doménami bánk. V priebehu času sa tento podvod stal sofistikovanejším a podvodníci priamo šíria odkazy na nimi vytvorené webové stránky, ktoré slúžia ako náprotivok reálnych stránok. Dnes sú v tomto odvetví populárne aj podvody s falošným investovaním, kedy sa podvodník vydáva za finančného poradcu a takýmto spôsobom od vás vyláka vaše bankové údaje, to všetko pod zámienkou vám “pomôcť a zúročiť” vaše peniaze, ktoré už nikdy neuvidíte. A pokým pojem phishing opisuje samotný spôsob “chytania” človeka pojem Spoofing označuje vydávanie sa za dôveryhodnú osobu alebo organizáciu. Úspech spoofingu je založený na manipulácii a využívaní psychických trikov. Samotný úspech kyberpodvodov závisí od vzájomnej prepracovanosti phishingu a spoofingu.

Phishing je možné rozoznať podľa viacerých faktov. Jedným z nich sú oslovenia, gramatika a jazyková štylizácia. Podvodníci často používajú buď neformálne alebo všeobecné oslovenia, nesprávne predložkové väzby, nesprávne skloňovanie alebo sa často vyskytujú gramatické chyby. Oficiálna inštitúcia v osobných správach používa priame oslovenia a jej pracovníci zvládajú jazyk na dostatočne vysokej úrovni. Aj toto môže byť prvým varovným signálom, že sa jedná o phishing. Žiadna oficiálna inštitúcia od vás nikdy nebude žiadať osobné informácie! Banka ich nikdy nežiada ani telefonicky, ani mailom a už nikdy nie preto, aby sa dostali do vášho účtu. Pokiaľ niekto žiada tieto informácie týmito spôsobmi, takmer 100% sa jedná o podvod. Pri linkoch a weboch môže pomôcť sledovať adresu danej stránky. Vždy je potrebné mať napamäti, že ak ponuka znie až príliš dobre, je potrebné zvýšiť opatrnosť a sledovať práve tieto signály, ktoré sme si opísali.

V dnešnom článku sme si predstavili najbežnejšie internetové podvody. Dúfame, že vám tento článok pomôže sa na internete  bezpečne orientovať a rozoznávať nebezpečenstvá a podvody.


zdroje : Čo sú phishingové podvody a ako sa pred nimi chrániť? | ESET , What is Spoofing & How to Prevent it (kaspersky.com)

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#3 Bezpečnosť na internete: Všeobecne platné tipy a rady

V prechádzajúcich dvoch článkoch sme si predstavili bezpečnostné hrozby a podvody, ktoré na vás čakajú na internete. V dnešnom článku si predstavíme opatrenia, ktorými takéto hrozby minimalizujete, situácie, v ktorých sú vaše citlivé dáta v najväčšom nebezpečenstve, a tiež to ako po sebe na internete zanechávať čo najmenej stôp. Opatrení,

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Tomáš Zajíc

Práce študentov 2. semestra ŠTC 2023 – Snímač v simulovanom prostredí Raspberry Pi

V druhom semestri programu ŠTC Microsoft sa naši študenti mohli venovať IoT alebo programovaniu. Martina Inkábová je ďalšou z tých, ktorí sa vydali práve cestou IoT. Náplňou jej výstupného projektu bolo vytvoriť snímač v simulovanom priestore Raspberry Pi kontrolujúci teplotu a vlhkosť v miestnosti – podstatné faktory pre komfort a zdravie ľudí. Napriek tomu,

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  2. Stay ahead of the curve in the Iraqi marketplace with Businessiraq.com. This invaluable online resource is your complete guide to the Iraqi business sector. Detailed online business listings allow for targeted networking and efficient market research. Access cutting-edge business news in Iraq, explore exciting Iraq job opportunities, and secure procurement contracts through the comprehensive tender directory. Businessiraq.com empowers businesses to thrive in the dynamic Iraqi environment.

  3. Unlock the full potential of Iraq’s business landscape with Businessiraq.com, your trusted partner for comprehensive market information and networking opportunities. The platform’s extensive Iraq business directory provides detailed insights into thousands of companies, making it easier than ever to find the right business partners. Stay ahead of the curve with current business news in Iraq, delivered through expert analysis and timely updates. From browsing Iraq jobs to exploring tender opportunities, the platform offers everything needed for success in Iraq’s market. The sophisticated online business listings feature enables efficient networking, while the user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for all users, making Businessiraq.com the go-to resource for businesses operating in Iraq

  4. businessiraq.com: Your Ultimate Iraqi Business Gateway. Embark on a journey of discovery and opportunity with our meticulously crafted Iraq business directory, home to comprehensive online business listings that paint a vivid picture of the nation’s diverse economic tapestry. Stay informed and make strategic decisions with our up-to-date Iraq business news, while our Iraq jobs portal connects you with exciting career prospects. And for businesses ready to make their mark, our tender opportunities directory presents a world of procurement possibilities. Connect, explore, and succeed in Iraq with Businessiraq.com.

  5. businessiraq.com – Illuminate Your Path to Iraqi Business Success. Navigate the vibrant Iraqi business ecosystem with confidence using our exhaustive Iraq business directory, powered by detailed online business listings. Stay ahead of the curve with our real-time business news in Iraq, and explore Iraq jobs to find or fill your perfect role. Ready to dive into tenders? Our dedicated directory of tender opportunities puts you at the forefront of procurement. With Businessiraq.com, the Iraqi business landscape is yours to explore and conquer.

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  8. Unlock the full potential of Iraq’s business landscape with Businessiraq.com, your trusted partner for comprehensive market information and networking opportunities. The platform’s extensive Iraq business directory provides detailed insights into thousands of companies, making it easier than ever to find the right business partners. Stay ahead of the curve with current business news in Iraq, delivered through expert analysis and timely updates. From browsing Iraq jobs to exploring tender opportunities, the platform offers everything needed for success in Iraq’s market. The sophisticated online business listings feature enables efficient networking, while the user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for all users, making Businessiraq.com the go-to resource for businesses operating in Iraq

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  10. In addition to business listings and news, Job opportunities in Iraq are prominently featured on Businessiraq.com. The online job portal connects job seekers with employers looking to fill positions in various sectors. This feature is particularly beneficial for those seeking to work in Iraq’s burgeoning economy, offering a streamlined approach to finding employment. With a diverse range of job postings, from skilled trades to corporate positions, Businessiraq.com serves as an invaluable resource for both local talent and expatriates keen to contribute to the country’s growth.

  11. Businessiraq.com, your gateway to unlocking the economic potential of Iraq, will become a cornerstone of the nation’s business community. We’re building a comprehensive platform, not just a directory, but a dynamic ecosystem connecting businesses, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. Our robust Iraq business directory will showcase a diverse range of Iraqi companies, meticulously vetted and profiled to instill trust and confidence in potential partners. Beyond company listings, we’ll provide a wealth of invaluable information: insightful Iraq business news, analyzing market trends, regulatory changes, and upcoming opportunities, thereby positioning our users for success. Detailed company profiles will extend beyond basic contact information, offering in-depth financial data and organizational structures, fostering informed decision-making. Our multilingual approach—offering both English and Arabic interfaces—prioritizes inclusivity and ensures our platform is a valuable resource for the entire Iraqi business community. This comprehensive approach will not only connect businesses but also help develop a strong sense of community and support within the Iraqi market. We’ll actively curate valuable networking opportunities, facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide ongoing support to foster robust, long-lasting business relationships. At Businessiraq.com, we are committed to empowering businesses throughout Iraq, supporting growth, and driving innovation within the nation’s dynamic economy.

  12. Businessiraq.com is more than just an Iraq business directory; it’s your strategic partner for navigating the Iraqi market. This platform provides comprehensive online business listings, while also delivering the latest Iraq business news and insightful analysis. Explore promising Iraq jobs, uncover valuable tender opportunities for procurement, and connect with local and international businesses seeking collaboration. Businessiraq.com facilitates market entry and fosters long-term growth for companies seeking to capitalize on the Iraqi economy.

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  14. Businessiraq.com is your essential online resource for the Iraq business directory, serving as a vital hub for both local and international enterprises. With its comprehensive business listings, users can easily navigate the landscape of commerce in Iraq, connecting with key players across various industries. The platform also features up-to-date business news in Iraq, ensuring that you stay informed about the latest developments and trends. For those seeking new career pathways, Businessiraq.com offers a robust section dedicated to Iraq jobs, showcasing a variety of employment opportunities. Additionally, the site hosts a tender directory that provides valuable tender opportunities for procurement, helping businesses to identify and seize potential contracts. By facilitating networking and market entry, Businessiraq.com is the go-to website for anyone looking to thrive in the dynamic Iraqi market, making it an indispensable tool for success.

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  16. Businessiraq.com is not just a business directory; it’s also a valuable resource for job seekers and employers in Iraq. The website’s job section features a wide range of Iraq jobs, including career opportunities in various industries, from entry-level positions to senior management roles. With its easy-to-use job search functionality, users can quickly find and apply for jobs that match their skills and experience. Employers can also advertise their job openings on the website, reaching a targeted audience of qualified candidates. By connecting job seekers with employers, Businessiraq.com plays a vital role in supporting the growth and development of Iraq’s workforce.

  17. Businessiraq.com is a dedicated online platform that serves as a comprehensive resource for the business community in Iraq, offering an extensive business directory to connect local enterprises, a job listing section for job seekers, and a tender directory for those interested in procurement opportunities. Additionally, the site features the latest Iraq business news to keep users informed about market trends and economic updates, making it an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals looking to navigate the Iraqi market effectively. Whether you’re searching for job opportunities, seeking business partnerships, or looking to stay updated on industry developments, Businessiraq.com provides all the essential resources in one user-friendly location.

  18. Businessiraq.com is the go-to online resource for the Iraq Business Directory, providing a comprehensive platform for local and international businesses to connect, network, and explore opportunities in Iraq. As the leading online business directory in the country, Businessiraq.com offers a vast database of up-to-date business listings, featuring companies from various industries, including construction, oil and gas, finance, and more. In addition to its extensive directory, the website also provides the latest Iraq business news, keeping users informed about market trends, new developments, and regulatory changes. Job seekers can also find the latest Iraq jobs, including career opportunities in various sectors, while businesses can advertise their job openings to reach a wider audience. Furthermore, the website’s tender directory offers a valuable resource for companies looking to explore procurement opportunities in Iraq, with a regularly updated list of tender notices and contract awards. By providing a single platform for businesses to access a wealth of information, news, and opportunities, Businessiraq.com facilitates market entry and networking in Iraq, making it an essential tool for any business looking to succeed in the country. Whether you’re a local business looking to expand your reach or an international company seeking to enter the Iraqi market, Businessiraq.com is the ultimate online resource for you.

  19. Discover the power of seamless business connectivity with Businessiraq.com, the leading digital platform transforming how companies operate in Iraq. This innovative portal features a comprehensive Iraq business directory, enabling efficient networking among local and international enterprises. The platform delivers cutting-edge business news in Iraq, ensuring users remain informed about market developments and opportunities. Job seekers benefit from an extensive collection of Iraq jobs postings, while companies can explore numerous opportunities through the detailed tender directory. The platform’s sophisticated online business listings system simplifies the process of finding potential partners, making Businessiraq.com an essential tool for anyone serious about succeeding in Iraq’s dynamic business environment.

  20. Stay ahead of the curve in the Iraqi marketplace with Businessiraq.com. This invaluable online resource is your complete guide to the Iraqi business sector. Detailed online business listings allow for targeted networking and efficient market research. Access cutting-edge business news in Iraq, explore exciting Iraq job opportunities, and secure procurement contracts through the comprehensive tender directory. Businessiraq.com empowers businesses to thrive in the dynamic Iraqi environment.

  21. Discover the transformative power of businessiraq.com, Iraq’s premier B2B platform revolutionizing how businesses connect and thrive in the Middle East’s most dynamic market. Our comprehensive bilingual directory serves as the definitive bridge between Iraqi enterprises and global opportunities, offering real-time access to verified company profiles, financial metrics, and executive contacts across all major industries. Through our sophisticated platform, powered by partnerships with leading data providers including BoldData, we deliver unparalleled business intelligence and market insights that drive informed decision-making. Business owners can elevate their market presence through SEO-optimized listings while gaining access to our extensive network of over 50,000 registered companies, spanning from established corporations to emerging startups across all Iraqi governorates, including Kurdistan. At the heart of our platform lies a powerful suite of integrated tools designed to facilitate seamless business connections and market entry. From our live tender tracking system and interactive B2B matchmaking services to specialized market analysis reports and investment guides, businessiraq.com provides everything needed to navigate Iraq’s $200B+ economy successfully. Our commitment to excellence extends to innovative features including virtual business matchmaking events, industry-specific webinars, integrated translation services, and custom market research capabilities, all accessible through our mobile-responsive interface supporting both Arabic and English users. International investors and local businesses alike benefit from our comprehensive ecosystem of services, including company verification badges, expert consultation for market entry strategies, and real-time notifications of relevant business opportunities. By partnering with prestigious organizations like the Iraq Britain Business Council, we ensure our users have access to the latest trade opportunities and market developments. Whether you’re seeking reliable Iraqi suppliers, exploring investment possibilities, or looking to expand your business presence in Iraq, businessiraq.com stands as your trusted partner in achieving sustainable growth and success in one of the region’s most promising markets. Join today to unlock premium features and position your enterprise at the forefront of Iraq’s expanding business landscape, where opportunities for growth and collaboration await.

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